Making A Decision

As the reality of your unplanned pregnancy sinks in, you realize you have a big decision to make. How are you going to handle it? You have three options: abortion, making an adoption plan, or parenting.

We do not perform or refer for abortions. We can, however, assist you with making an adoption plan or help you find resources if you choose to parent.

Finding the Best Choice

You may not know today which choice is best for you and your child. That’s okay. Our compassionate team is ready to provide counseling to help you decide.

We will not pressure or manipulate you to make one choice over another. This is your future, and the decision is all yours. Please know we consider you brave, selfless, and loving if you choose to place your child for adoption. It isn’t easy.

Where to Begin

You can receive free adoption counseling throughout the entire process and beyond. Or, we will connect you to resources and services if you decide to parent your child.

You are never under any obligation to choose adoption by contacting us. We know this is a decision that takes time and a lot of careful thought.

All of our services for birth parents are free and confidential. We provide prenatal and childbirth education, and connect you to quality medical care. You will receive the counsel and support you need to feel seen and heard.

Your Future Plan

Now is the time to consider your future and that of your child. We assure you that we will educate you about both options, support your choice, and encourage you to move forward. We want to honor your best wishes for you and your child.

Our team is here to walk alongside you at A Loving Option Adoption. You do not have to walk this path alone. We want to understand your story and hear your heart’s desire for your child.

Please schedule an appointment to speak with one of our caring team members. We will be in touch as soon as we receive your inquiry. We look forward to speaking with you.