Navigating Your Adoption Journey

Most likely, it’s been a long and challenging road that brought you to this point. People may say adopting a child is your second choice. But that’s impossible because building a family has always been your first choice.

Adoption consists of a triad: the child, birth parents, and adoptive parents. The seamless uniting of these three is at the heart of every successful adoption.

What is Adoption?

Private domestic infant adoption is the legal process through which birth parents’ rights are voluntarily terminated, and adoptive parents assume those rights. Once this process is completed, the adoptive child will be entitled to all the rights and privileges as if born to their adoptive parents.

In the United States, adoption establishes a legal parent-child relationship between a child and a parent not automatically recognized as the child’s parent at birth.

Building Your Family Through Adoption

Many myths surround adoption. A birth mother worries her child won’t love her because she chose adoption. Adoptive parents worry if they have a relationship with the birth mother, their child will be confused. Adopted children just want to know everyone loves them.

Adoption is a sticky, messy process. There are so many questions and “what ifs.” We salute you if you’ve chosen to build your family through adoption.

We promise to keep your information confidential, respect your hearts, and listen to your story. Your adoption specialist will walk closely with you every step of the way. We’re good at hand-holding.

Requirements for Adoption Through Our Agency

  • Potential adoptive parents must be a minimum of 21 years of age. At least one parent must be under 45, and the other cannot be over 50.
  • A couple must be married for a minimum of 2 years.
  • Our adoption services ensure that children enter families that uphold our faith tradition based upon the Catholic Church’s teaching that marriage consists of one man and one woman.
  • At least one parent must be a U.S. citizen.
  • Potential adoptive parents agree to uphold the Gospel values in their home and plan to instill those values in their parenting.
  • All applicants must complete a full pre-adoptive home study with no concerns noted.
  • You need not be Catholic to adopt through A Loving Option Adoption.