Who We Are

At A Loving Option Adoption, our primary focus is what is in the child’s best interest. We also understand and respect the needs of every birth parent and potential adoptive parent.

We are a full-service, child-placing agency licensed in the state of Tennessee. Our private domestic adoption agency is affiliated with Catholic Charities of East Tennessee, and we serve all 36 counties within the Knoxville Diocese.

Clients can self-refer, or community agencies working with a client can contact us at adoption@ccetn.org or call 865-684-1894.

What We Do

The compassionate team at A Loving Option Adoption provides complete adoption education so that both birth parents and potential adoptive couples are completely aware of the adoption process.

We are happy to connect mothers with the services and resources they need to either parent their children or place them for adoption. Our team provides everything from expectant parent support services to a home study, all under one roof.

Whether you are an expectant woman facing an unplanned pregnancy or a couple hoping to adopt, we are here to listen to your story and help you write the next chapter.

We believe in providing help and creating hope because every child has a right to life from the first moment of conception.

Our Services

  • 24/7 Helpline: (865) 345-2601
  • Friendship and emotional support through adoption counseling
  • Non-judgmental and caring advice throughout the process
  • Medical, legal, and community referrals for birth mothers
  • Pregnancy and prenatal information
  • Adoption information and services for both birth and adoptive parents