How Long is the Adoption Process in Knoxville, TN?

For potential adoptive parents, adoption can be a long waiting process. Every state has different laws regarding adoption, and adoption agencies can vary in their processes. There are also variables regarding how long you will wait to adopt a child. Here’s a guide to help you understand the adoption process through A Loving Option Adoption.

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How Much Does Adoption Cost?

A Loving Option Adoption is a fully licensed adoption agency in East Tennessee that provides complete transparency on adoption fees and the process. Contact us for an appointment today. No Cost for an Expectant Mother or Birth Mother If you are an expectant mother or birth mother considering adoption for your child, you pay nothing

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Can I Trust the Adoptive Family to Keep Their Word?

When considering adoption for your child, you probably have many questions. Will someone want to adopt my child? How do I choose the adoptive family? Can I trust the adoptive family to keep their word? These are typical questions that every expectant mother or birth mother wonders about. We’ll try and answer them here. Potential

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Is Adoption Giving My Baby Away?

Adoption phrases like “giving up” and “giving away” are reasons why adoption is so misunderstood. Decades ago, many birth mothers had no idea who adopted their babies or where they went. They essentially had to give them away without any information.  Those days are long gone. Today’s adoption process allows the expectant mother or birth

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Will My Child Forget Me if I Place Them for Adoption?

No matter what the future holds for you and your child, you will always be a part of their life’s story. An adoptee isn’t just a child who someone adopted. They are a child with a rich heritage of different family members who love and care for them.  How you and the adoptive parents communicate

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Can I Decide About Adoption After Giving Birth?

Yes, you can wait until after you’ve given birth to make your decision. In fact, every state requires a waiting period after childbirth before a birth mother can sign adoption papers. Your child belongs to you until you sign the consent to adoption document. In Tennessee, a birth mother can sign the consent to adoption

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What’s it Like Having Someone Else Raise Your Baby?

If you are considering placing your baby for adoption, your mind is most likely racing with questions. Who will raise my child? How will I know they will love and care for them? What’s it like having other parents raise your baby? Adoption is not only a physical decision to place your baby with another

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Is it Hard to Choose the Adoptive Family?

The most important decision you make when placing your child for adoption is choosing the adoptive family. You’re shaping your child’s future. The couple you select should share the same values as you. Don’t worry. The right couple is out there, and we’ll help you find them. Our dedicated Birth Parent Specialist at A Loving

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I Took Drugs. Will Anyone Adopt My Baby?

If you’ve taken drugs during your pregnancy and are considering placing your child for adoption, we have good news. There is a family that will want to adopt them.  Although you may not know the impact your drug use has had on your baby now, many services exist to help families with babies exposed to

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My Family Says Adoption is Giving up. Is that True?

“Give up” or “put up” for adoption are phrases used decades ago to describe the adoption process. But those sayings don’t describe adoption today. When those terms were used, an unwed mother could not keep her baby due to society’s standards.  Times have changed, and today, a woman faced with an unplanned pregnancy has options

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